Wednesday 13 April 2011

Project Artemis, Rebuilding the Women of Afghanistan

In war-torn Afghanistan , much besides buildings and infrastructure has crumbled. The economy has seen ruin, and the lives of individuals, particularly women, has been harsh. But in 2005 an ingenious program by Thunderbird School of Global Management began taking steps to help Afghanis rebuild Afghanistan - one woman at a time.

Project Artemis is a two-week intensive business-training course that takes place on the school's main campus in Glendale , AZ , USA . Thirty women from Afghanistan have been chosen as Fellows in the program. They're brought to campus, given classes, individual instruction, and coaching in writing business plans. Tours of local companies are arranged so that the women can see a real business in action, and be given an opportunity to ask questions. They are also paired up with a Western female entrepreneur who promises to mentor them for at least two years.

During their time on campus, they develop a business plan, and on their own initiative, they've also created an Artemis business association so that they can still rely on the network they create while in Glendale . Through their mentors, all of whom have MBA degrees from Thunderbird, they have developed business contacts the world over. And through hard work and canny business skills, they have developed enormously successful and socially conscious companies in Afghanistan

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